Submit to Find Maine Writers

Find Maine Writers ( is dedicated to profiling Maine’s many diverse and talented writers, publicizing their work and accomplishments, and connecting them with readers, editors, literary agents, publishers, and potential employers. Find Maine Writers is a members-only benefit of the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance.

All writers featured on Find Maine Writers will need to be current MWPA members at the $65 or above level. The MWPA’s basic annual membership fee is $55. The additional $10 contributed by profiled writers helps the MWPA offset the costs associated with hosting, improving, and maintaining this site, which includes processing submissions and updating profiles. Our theory of action: each profiled writer contributes a small amount, and everyone gets to benefit from the collective investment.

Not an MWPA member yet? Click below to join.

Want to upgrade your membership to the Find Maine Writers level?

Submit your profile

First, read our terms and conditions. Before submitting your profile, you will be asked to accept the terms.

Update your Profile

Add any updates here including new book, new headshot, updated bio, social media links, etc

Questions? All questions should be directed to Taryn Bowe.